Based on local knowledge of planning strategies and processes, our specialists can make an assessment of your land and its chance of obtaining residential planning permission.
Following assessment, if suitable, we may offer you a substantial sum, considerably over the current market value. In return, you agree a period of time for us to do our work to increase the value of your land. We invest our own time, specialist expertise and financial resources in taking matters forward to gain permission for the land which will eventually be used to build high-quality property suitable as a home(s) for local people. Because of our experience and knowledge, we are highly successful in securing planning permission and winning planning appeals. All costs are down to us – you pay nothing.
Our scheme has helped many people with larger gardens and unused land in a new, unthought-of way. By adding extra value to the land like this, cash is created from an area that was worth very little before, at no cost to you. Homeowners are left with their original house and a more manageable garden which sometimes even enhances the value of their property, plus a substantial cash sum.
You can also have satisfaction in knowing that you are helping to relieve the current housing crisis and that you will one day be giving someone the opportunity of a lovely place to call home.
Some enjoy the cash doing things they have always wanted to. Others save it for their future (childrens’university, retirement …) or use the money to reduce – or even pay off – their mortgage.
For more information on how it works, click here
If you have some questions, or would like us to assess you land, get in touch here.