Property owners who sell their garden or other land “as is”  will receive a fraction of its potential value. As it is, garden land is worth little more than agricultural land, but with proper access arranged, legal issues resolved, change of use and planning impediments removed and perhaps joined to others, it can soar to many, many times its original value.

But the planning process can be costly and complex with its layers of strategic plans, guidelines and regulations. It means understanding the local area development and planning frameworks and requirements, as well as the rules affecting individual properties. Specialist legal work  is needed to alter boundaries and split title. In rural or historical areas, wildlife or archaeological studies and reports are commonly required.

Neighbours and other interested parties must be involved, consulted and negotiated with. Many people find this difficult when they have known and lived with their neighbours for a long time.

In addition, it takes quite a lot of money. Typically, thousands of pounds are spent on professional planning advice, searches, surveys and plans.  These often have to be amended before permission is granted.

Particularly for a novice, timescales can be unpredictable and it can sometimes take years.

Our group specialize in assessing the potential of a piece of land and its immediate area. If suitable, we may offer to work with you and will provide the full expert knowledge of our group aimed at maximising its value.  By using our considerable resources, experience and contacts to add value, you could receive a substantial payout which is very much greater than the original value of your land – at no cost or risk to you.

Click here to see what we do and how it works